Sunday, January 20, 2013


Frankfurt and the Main River at night

Winter flowers

Missionary friends on P-day

Winter flower box
Our sacrament meeting speaker today was President Swartz of the Frankfurt Mission.  He challenged us to pray for missionary opportunities and gave examples of people who come into the church as a result of small things – a pass along card, a brief word to the person waiting for the light to change.  The Frankfurt Mission has 178 missionaries and he is expecting that number to climb to 270+ by year-end.  He said we have now 58,000 missionaries serving world-wide, which is expected to grow to 100,000 this year.  He, and the high councilor who also spoke, told of when President Kimball was in Germany in 1976 and prophesied that one day the German speaking countries would have “hundreds of stakes” within their borders. We may be on the threshold of that day as the Lord hastens his work.


  1. so great to have such a surge in the number of missionaries! president monson's inspiration to change the missionary age must have truly been ... well, inpired!

  2. Hi Elder and Sister Craven,
    I just found out about your blog. Your mission sounds very interesting and you look happy and well in your photos. I'll be interested in following ready the next installments. God bless, Judy T.
