Sunday, June 30, 2013


We just dropped our senior missionary mentors, the Brandes and the Derrs, off at the airport for their return home to Salt Lake City.  The Brandes picked us up when we came last fall and were our fellow Public Affairs servants. The Derrs were our Paris guides last March and our  Zone Leaders- they were Family History specialists. So hard to see them go, the Brandes were good teachers, good examples and good friends to us here in Germany and we will miss them sorely.  This week Elaine handled the newsroom translation requests and Martin prepared for our next assignment in Copenhagen to assist with training missionaries to be good spokespersons for the church when interviewed by journalists. We are also helping to create 2-page fact sheets for each of the 30 countries in our area.  Church representatives use these fact sheets when meeting with opinion leaders or hosting government officials such as ambassadors in their countries.

Goodbye dear Brandes

Goodbye dear Derrs

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see Angelika and some of the family! Do you have Ruth's contact info?
