Sunday, February 24, 2013


 This week, Sisters Craven and Brande pretty much turned the Public Affairs storage space in the basement into a work of art.  The shelves and file cabinets are completely alphabetized with all the old stuff tossed out and everything spic span and tidy. She has also gone completely through all the file cabinets in our office, throwing old stuff out, relabeling files and folders and making everything logical and orderly.  Tis a site to behold. I will take pictures.  They are planning an open house this week for the other members of our staff.  For my week, I did more Slovak Community Oral History indexing and have been reading President Hinckley’s book, Stand for Something.  The book has inspired me to be more diligent in honesty, civility, charity and forgiveness.  We stayed home yesterday (Saturday) as it was snowing and blowing, though we did trudge through the blizzard with our bags  to go grocery shopping.  The afternoon found me reading “The Deerslayer” by James Fenimore Cooper to Elaine, while she mended my pants.  Last night we helped with games at a stake YSA Valentines party (cute German kids!).  Not sure what we will find to do in the office this next week, but the weather appears headed for improvement which should be a great lift to our spirits.

Monster pretzels at the market

The old and the new in Frankfurt

When I get home I want to make a nifty tight German wood pile
Which village person is not like the others?

1 comment:

  1. If I've learned anything, it's that there is ALWAYS more office work to do. I'm sure you won't have to wait long.

    Hello, Elder and Sister Craven! Thank you so much for writing this blog so that I can (not-so-silently-anymore-it-seems) keep tabs on you. I'm glad that you are so happy and keeping busy. Your work is making a difference, and I am so grateful for you!

    Have a happy day. I love you!
    xox, Meg
